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Expert / Consultant PT Okan Keleş

Physiotherapist & Manual Therapist

Satisfaction Guarantee

Professional Therapist


Years of Experience


Years of Experience

About Me

I was born in 1984 in Trabzon. After finishing my undergraduate education in 2007, I worked in various physical therapy branches and special education centers. After graduation, I received training on 'evaluation and treatment techniques in manual therapy'. In addition, I received training in the field of 'osteopathy'. These trainings were followed by 'advanced manual therapy techniques'. Later on, I gave various trainings in the fields of manual therapy, clinical and kinesiological taping. In 2013, I gave training seminars to office workers on 'office ergonomics and office exercises' and methods and exercises to protect office workers from musculoskeletal diseases. After serving as the Istanbul Provincial Representative of the Manual Therapists Association (MTD) for two years, I continue my duty in MTD as Vice President. During this period, I worked as an assistant and then as an instructor in many manual therapy trainings. In the year, I became a licensed instructor of this treatment method by taking the training of radiofrequency technology Indiba Active Therapy, which is used in orthopedic manual therapy in many countries of Europe, in Spain. In April 2015, I started the Turkish Osteopathic Medical Academy (TOTA) to continue my osteopathy education with Osteopathie Schule Deutschland. At the same time, I received the title of 'specialist physiotherapist' in January 2016. I settled in Muğla/Bodrum in July 2024 and I continue my treatments in this region.


Who is a Physiotherapist?

The profession of physiotherapist has been developing as a branch of science directly related to public health and quality of life for about 120 years in the world and 45 years in our country. Physiotherapist is one of the most important elements of public health as a specialist who plans and implements the treatment of diagnosed diseases and follows the patients throughout the treatment. During their undergraduate education, physiotherapists receive basic field education such as anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, clinical sciences and specialize in areas such as assessment and analysis, neurological rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation and rehabilitation in sports.

Our Patients Reviews

"I can sincerely exMedia that I am very satisfied with the treatment. While physical therapy often brings to mind classic applications like warming up ..."


"I was very pleased with Mr. Hürriyet's positive approach and guidance. Mr. Okan is very successful and knows manual therapy very well. He makes you fe..."


"Mr. Okan works meticulously and lovingly in a rare field of physical therapy and manual therapy in Turkey. I thank him for his sincere and affectionat..."


"Last week, I came to your center with unbearable pain, unable to hold my head up and looking down due to neck pain. After the treatment by Dr. Okan Ke..."


"When I first came, a 15-session physical therapy was recommended. Now, the 13th session is over, and I feel better both physically and mentally after ..."


"I am very satisfied with the service I received during the treatment process I started due to neck pain and fibromyalgia. Although I did not see the e..."


"Mr. Okan identified the problem during the first examination and quickly provided results with his treatments, allowing me to achieve a better quality..."


"Hello, The heel pain I have been suffering from for a long time was making my life more difficult every day. I met Mr. Okan through Mr. Bülent. Thank..."


"I initially came with some apprehension. I wasn't sure after the first 4 sessions and thought my pain wouldn't go away, but my opinion changed in the ..."


Patient Review

Recent Articles

Is Hernia Treatment Possible?

January 5, 2020


Okan Keleş

Although the degrees and levels of disc herniations are important, many can be treated with manual therapy and osteopathy. However, the nature of the treatment is related to whether there is a tear in the disc. Non-tear disc herniations are small bulges and can be completely treated. In the case of a tear, the size of the tear is important because the torn area does not disappear as if no problem occurred, but the bulged part of the disc can be directed back to its normal position and reduced in size so that it does not cause complaints. In all these cases, one of the most important approaches for permanent treatment is to evaluate and correct or modify the postural habits, ergonomic problems, incorrect uses, or physical characteristics that cause these disc herniations. The success of hernia treatment is related not only to working with an experienced physiotherapist but also to the patient's own efforts. Disc herniations shrink quickly in patients who make the necessary modifications in their daily life and follow their exercise program. In fact, the biggest problem in our country is the assumption that arm or leg pain and local lower back-neck pain are solely due to disc herniations (especially if the patient has an accompanying disc herniation). However, many disc herniations do not cause symptoms at the early stages and do not cause local pain. Most lower back-neck pains are myofascial and facet joint pains. In future posts, we will discuss facet joint pain and myofascial pain, which are very common, in detail...


What is Antalgic Scoliosis?

January 5, 2020


Okan Keleş

Antalgic Scoliosis, which can be translated into our language as pain-induced spinal curvature, typically arises as a result of severe muscle spasm developed as a protective mechanism of the body due to a disc herniation (hernia) that exerts significant pressure on the nerves. This type of scoliosis develops secondary to disc herniations or similar reasons that cause nerve compression. There is no accompanying bone deformity. Simply put, the body uses muscle spasm and especially pain that increases with movement to lock the problematic area and try to prevent movement and thus the problem from worsening. The muscle spasm develops intensely and causes the affected side to shorten, taking on a concave shape. This results in asymmetry of the spine when viewed from the back. It usually returns to normal with the resolution of the issue that triggered the muscle spasm. Manual therapy and osteopathy provide effective solutions for treating such conditions. In such a situation, be sure to consult your physiotherapist...


What is Spinal Stenosis?

January 5, 2020


Okan Keleş

Spinal stenosis is the condition where the spinal canal (the channel through which the spinal cord passes) or foraminal canals (the canals where nerves exit the spine) narrow, causing compression on the nerves. Stenosis is divided into acquired and developmental types. Developmental stenosis is a congenital condition where the canal is narrower than normal for various reasons. Acquired stenosis, which is most common in the 60s and 70s, is divided into foraminal stenosis, which develops with facet joint hypertrophies (joint enlargements) following disk degeneration, and spinal stenosis, which develops due to hypertrophy (enlargement) and loss of elasticity of the ligamentum flavum (yellow ligament) that runs inside the canal. Although acquired stenosis usually develops with age, it can be seen at much younger ages due to excessive use of the spine, poor posture, repetitive flexion (bending forward) movements with insufficient muscle strength that put excessive strain on the ligaments, and prolonged periods in flexion positions. Stenosis patients usually have difficulty standing or walking for long periods and feel the need to sit down shortly. In this respect, sitting in a hunched, poor posture is a flexion posture, which can pull the age of stenosis formation to the 40s, especially in people like office workers who spend 8-9 hours a day sitting. Therefore, poor sitting posture not only causes joint or muscle pain but also leads to chronic spine problems. We will discuss the harmful effects of poor sitting posture and a sedentary lifestyle in future posts... Sit up straight, exercise, and consult your physiotherapist for complaints...



Geriş Mah. Çoban Cad.
Havuz Altı Sokak No:9
Barış Sit. D:17 Yalıkavak/Bodrum


Appointment : +90 533 554 38 90

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